Friday, August 24, 2012

Perception and Projecting

Let's talk about perception and projecting. The way that people sense and feel who you are and what you're about, and what we give off.

The way you are perceived by people means nothing if it's not who you really are. Perception can be deceiving. See, you don't have to worry about how you are perceived if you are being your true self. If you are living your life in a particular way, you will naturally ooze the characteristics of that lifestyle. It's just how it goes.

On the flip side, how others perceive us can mean everything, since we ooze who we really are. Sometimes we project how we feel or think, without knowing that's what we're doing. Conflict can arise when what someone is projecting, unknowingly, is hurtful to those around them. To be unaware of what your projecting, is just as much of a characteristic, as putting in a huge amount of effort into how you want people to perceive you.

I've known people on both ends of the spectrum. On the left, there is the person who works so hard to make sure they are seen in a certain way. On the right, there is someone who has no idea how they make others feel by what they unknowingly project. We all possess a little of both, just to be clear. I am certainly no exception to either of those side of the perception coin. The goal to me though, it seems, is to try and come to a healthy middle ground of self-examination, so you can let things said about you, that don't align with who you are, roll of your back, and also be aware of how you can make those around you feel.

Caring so deeply about how you are perceived, to me highlights an insecurity in your life around that certain issue. Conversely, not knowing how the things you say and do, affect those around you, is an indicator to me of an area of arrogance/pride/blindness in your life. Both need to be attended to, even though they stem from different places. I, too, have been in those places.

So what is this all getting at? Here's the punch line.

The more you know who you are, and are healthily self-evaluating, and living out the conclusions of that evaluation, the less things people say about you, matter. I've said this before, and I'll say it again- it isn't about not caring what people think of you... it's about caring what the RIGHT people think. Perception will be just that, perception. The more true to yourself you are, the less peripheral opinions hold weight, and the less you have to worry about how you are perceived.

It's simply exhausting to care about what every single person you encounter thinks of you, but it's also important to care what trusted people are trying to communicate to you. It's a balance.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we are working harder to paint ourselves in a certain light, and never actually embody the painting, then what's the point? That's empty. And on the flip side, if we have no clue what we are painting, we can potentially hurt people.

Conclusion: Be you, and own it. Tweak where you need to, as indicated by your own convictions and the wisdom of those who know you, then let everything else slide. You can't win em' all. But that's not really the point anyway. The point is to live authentically, and if you're doing that, well, you're as good as gold.


  1. Great post! I struggle with this a lot. I think a lot of people do. A series of unfortunate events in my life over the last few years has changed me a bit though. I'm much more at peace with who I am and my flaws. I still struggle deeply with a few things (darn Virgo that I am!). I cannot stand manipulative people. I'm dealing with some of that now. I need to learn that although my perception of that behavior is very upsetting to me - I have a choice about how I react. I just need to worry about being me and the best person I can be :)

    Hope you are doing well!

    1. Once again, sorry for the delayed response!

      I completely agree with you that you cannot control what others do, only what you do and how you respond. The more you work on yourself, the better you are for it. I think we're always going to be works in progress, but striving to be your best in every season is the perfect way to approach life and other people.

      I hope you're doing well, yourself!
