Wednesday, October 31, 2012

This Election Season

What we believe, and how we believe it, is powerful. Our belief can either open doors or build walls. No, I'm not talking about believing the "right" thing, but more how what you believe is lived out. "Right" can be subjective. There is more "gray" than black and white.

In lieu of the upcoming election, with all the talk and information being throw at us, I wanted to take this opportunity to speak about where my heart is during this time.

There's no doubt that politics can get people heated, and bring out the fire in some. I often think that how we communicate and act in regards to politics, is like a magnifying glass for our hearts. The way we treat those who have different opinions, and how we choose to speak about one another during an election season can say a lot about a person. Being passionate about an issue or position is a good thing, but it's how we communicate what we stand for, that matters.

Here's what I know. In a few weeks, the political dust will settle, and no matter how you voted, and who/what does or doesn't win, we will remain who we are, and we are going to have to live with what we've said and done during these last few months of intensity. 

So, what becomes important then? It's how you love in the midst of disagreement. It's how you respond if/when you don't get the outcome you hoped for. It's how you give grace to those who are different than you.

No amount of rules or regulations, or a single term of a President, is going to solve much, because the problem and the solution, all in one, is the heart of people...and that can't be legislated. Laws have never, and will never get to our core, they only regulate behavior. So, let's look at people more than the way they vote, but for who they are.

I am grateful to live in a nation that lets us give our opinion, and exercising that freedom is a privilege. It doesn't matter how you vote, though, if your words and actions are filled with venom, because that says more about you than what you mark on a ballot every four years.

Therefore, let's walk next to each other with open hearts, open minds, and open hands. Lets embrace one another as the unique individuals we are, not push each other away because we may be members of different parties, or supporters of certain issues (whatever they may be). I think there is more to learn, than to fear.

Love is what matters at the end of it all.

Myth of a Christian Nation- Gregory A. Boyd
Eastlake Community Church- Ryan Meeks

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