Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For the Day

Discovering the meaning of Christ's death and resurrection is somewhat of journey. I feel like I've gone through the motions of it for most of my life, not letting the significance renew me daily.

Something this last Easter really clicked for me and I wish you could all jump into my head to see, feel, and experience what I have, but since you obviously can't, here I am to write about it.

I touched on this in an earlier post, about the idea of feeling like I am not enough, or I should be doing more. Ever since I have openly been wrestling with this idea of significance, I have been surrounded by confirmation and awareness that I am lying to myself.

Two things that been weaving in and out of my head and ears through thoughts, podcasts, and conversations....

Number one: The entire point of Christ dying for us and then being brought back to life, is so we can have freedom, and not bury ourselves in the muck that we always do. I had this epiphany on Good Friday, that this whole struggle of finding significance can be rectified through simply looking at what has been communicated through Christ's sacrifice. If his death and resurrection brings true freedom, I asked myself, "What does freedom mean? What does it allow you to do?" The answer: Live. The invitation into God's grace is stepping into the exact way that we were created to live. In fullness, abundance, and in complete freedom from ourselves. Out of the awareness and freedom, it then becomes natural, not obligatory, to be the best you can at whatever is in front of you. There is no more service out of guilt, no more feeling like you don't matter, and no more confusion about your worth. You simply get to live, and live, and live. 

Number two: The resurrection is an invitation to be transformed, renewed, and recreated. We can tap into that refreshment anytime, but we only have today. If we are only guaranteed the day that we are presently in then, all I need is to be "resurrected" today. I can and only need to be comforted for what is in front of me today -duh, we need to be responsible about the future, but I'm talking about worry, etc. God can't give me the peace, joy, and comfort I need for next Thursday because I am not there yet. He can only give it to me for now. This idea is radical to me. For a worrier like me, this was good news. I can have a fresh Jesus and self every morning. That is something I can wrap my head around.

So, how do these two ideas mesh? My struggle of feeling like being a stay at home mom of two isn't enough, or good enough, or glamorous enough, or whatever silly things my brain conjures up, can be cut through by the power and love of Christ's death and resurrection. His death tells me that I am so meaningful to God, that even when I was/am buried 7554370403 feet deep in my own sh%#, that he loved me enough die anyway. The resurrection then tells me that I can be renewed daily, when I have those times where I am feeling insignificant or not enough. That a new day is coming where I can be created new all over again. I am reminded that tomorrow is a day filled with brand new hope, peace, and mercy. I need that every day. Somehow God knows that things only work best for us one day at a time, and so he offers peace, grace, hope, joy, comfort, etc as needed, per day, for the day.

This has been quite the revelation to me. Not that I am fully there and aware of this every moment of every day, but I'm closer. I hope this was a little helpful for you. It's sure been eye opening for me.


  1. Love this. Thanks for posting! And trust me when i say those same thoughts reside in the minds of everyone who works too! May we all find freedom each and every day. :)

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, and am also glad I'm not the only one who feels that way ;). Here's to another day of freedom!
