Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Christianity vs. Jesus

We are happily settled in our new place, and I feel like I can finally take a breath. I have really missed blogging so often; it's such a wonderful outlet for me. Things have calmed down now, so I'm back!
I will do a post of the final pictures of our new place as soon as I have the finishing touches done, but for now, something else is on my mind. Surprise, Surprise!

I read an awesome post from another blogger yesterday that expressed exactly how I feel. Funny enough, I've been wanting to write this post for awhile, and when I saw this bloggers' post, I knew it was time. Here's a link to that post...

"25 Things that Shouldn't Scare Christians," is a fabulous list of the things that the religion, Christianity, has set apart as major issues, when really, they don't matter that much in the way that they've been made a big deal. Every single thing she lists has contributed to the reason why I so dislike the title "Christianity," so I thought I would share my top 3 reasons Christianity isn't for me.

1) Politics: Voting Republican is not the "Christian" thing do. Neither is voting Democratically. I have a hunch Jesus could care less what party you associate with, because he was so against politics. Somehow I doubt Jesus appreciates being connected to the conservative side of the political spectrum. It's so limiting, and there is much on both sides that matter to him. WE made up politics, and then put Jesus in the center of it. How silly are we?! This is so contradictory from the Jesus in the New Testament. I refuse to vote one or another based on the "Christian" thing to do, because I think Christians get it wrong a lot of the time.

2) No matter what your sexual orientation is, who really cares? I'm not you, you're not me. We have different stories and journey's that make up who we are- and maybe it's a little bit of nature, too *Gasp,* that someone didn't choose. Whatever. Isn't the point to love, and walk alongside each other. AND so many people associate AIDS with gay men, when in reality more woman and children are plagued by the disease worldwide. As if even mattered who has it- it's an awful disease that no one, no one, should suffer from. It is NOT the consequence of being homosexual- ugh. Christians should be rallying just as hard for a cure, and in support of research for the abolition of this disease, not making signs saying "God Hates Gays." If that is what it means to be a Christian, I want out, in a big way.

3) Christianity is such a club. You're in or you're out. Us versus them. The word itself has become associate with certain expectations, rules, and point of view you must have. It's as if someone who is an athiest, mormon, buddhist, or muslim, doesn't have any good perspective to offer about life. Or that science and evolution go "against" creation, and should be stayed away from. Or that Christians get to pick what sin is more offensive, and point fingers at anyone who commits those "sins." As if the pointing and judging weren't a sin itself...This is all foolishness. Do we not see how silly we look to everyone when we act like this?!

All of this to say, I will no longer be calling myself a Christian. It's caused too much damage, pain, and division. If someone asks me if I am a Christian, my answer will be "Well, I do believe in the teachings and life of Jesus Christ." See, no one will argue that Jesus existed and that he was a good guy, but many have been hurt by the name of Christianity- Geez, even I have been wildly offended at times because of the gross misrepresentation it displays. I am over the labels, because they do not represent who I have found Christ to be, and immediately puts a guard up. It puts my guard up, and I believe with the deepest fibers of my body, in who Jesus is and what he taught- I can't imagine what kind of images the word "Christian" brings up for someone who isn't "in" (said with heavy sarcasm). Jesus is so much bigger than the box "Christianity" has put Him in and way more inclusive than Christians can be. Jesus is what this whole thing is about. NOT being a Christian. Rob Bell has a great quote I'll share...

"Jesus will always transcend whatever cages and labels are created to contain and name him, especially the one called Christianity."

Again the bottom line is loving God, loving people- and that includes yourself. It means looking at the specks in your eye first. It means getting rid of the pride that makes you assume you are better than someone, it's about letting yourself believe and feel for the first time, that you belong, it's freedom, and it's better than Christianity. Try it, you'll be liberated.

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