Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Week and Photo Shoots!

Some things are better experienced and explained through pictures.

This is one of those weeks.

Snow, Impromptu photo shoots, etc ...Pictures say it better than I could.

The video explains it all!

Snow Day, anyone? How about a snow week?
No school, means fun for everyone.

The Waterfront by our house

The road we live on. Silent and still.

 Impromptu Winter "Bridal" Photo Shoot? Ok!
Sonja, from Simply Sonja Photography, took these fun pictures. If you're in the Seattle area and need a photographer, she's a great choice!

Hair Curling Tutorial
This is such an easy way to curl your hair and curl it well! She does a great job explaining how to get the look that she has- which is the look that I love, but have never been able to figure out!
Check out
The Small Things Blog  for more hair tutorials.

"Beauty and the Beast" in 3D
Taking 2 young kids to a movie proved to be an adventure, but the popcorn and diet coke
sure helped. Cullen was wandering while I got this picture of me and Layla.

While you're watching this, I'll be making my way to my mini "mom" vacation.
Santa Barbara, I'm coming for you.

Have a wonderful week, and I'll see you next Thursday!


  1. The bridal shoot was lovely! The picture of you on the bridge is stunning.

  2. Thank you, sweet friend... I'm loving your blog! :)

  3. I'm a Seattle girl and all those snowy pictures are making me want to cry! I hate that we are missing all the action! And must have been freezing your buns off in that dress. But it was worth it. You look beautiful!

  4. Leah~ I remember you saying you are from Seattle and had just moved! We lived in Arizona for a little over a year, and it happened to snow ON CHRISTMAS the only Christmas we actually lived there, and I wanted to cry too! Seeing all the pictures made me homesick, so truly, I understand!... Thank you so much for the sweet compliment on the snowy wedding dress pictures! I was definitely freezing, so I had practice mind of matter for a few, haha!
