Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thursday Latelies!

Hello! It's Thursday!

What are you loving this week?

I'm not loving the lack of sleep my son has been giving me and Bobby, but I'm sure loving him. I thought I'd kick off this week with a little "Hi Guys" from the little man, himself-crazy hair and all.

I could squeeze Cullen. My little love.
Now, let's talk about this week's fun stuff!

Thank you, Rach, for a beautiful symbol of our tattoo experience together, and an constant reminder of why I got what I did in the first place.

Celtic Cross

Baby Lips is a fun lip balm, with just a little touch of color. Bex talked about it a few weeks, and I agree with her that it's worth a try.

Thanks to the pictures below and some encouragement/inspiration from Jenny, I took the plunge, and purchased a denim shirt and leopard print scarf... and I am SO glad I did! What fun outfit ideas are you  hoping to bring to life?

Denim Shirt, Black Skinnies/tights, brown boots. YES.

Scarf Inspiration. Black, brown,

Scramble with Friends is a blast-y blast. Download it on your iphone or droid. Such an addicting game!

I'm off to take a nap. For reals.

Santa Barbara will welcome all of us next week!


  1. Ok first of all I loved the finger when you mentioned me b/c it is sooo like me. haha. Kind of like the Rude finger! :o)
    Okay I refuse to try the baby lips b/c there is a commercial they play at the movie theater that is soooo ridiculous. First time I saw it before anyone talked about it on TL my bro and I were like what just happened? For reals that was a lip balm commercial. Judged. Can't bring myself to support it. haha. Next Yay!!! For Denim shirts!! So many possibilities. I am happy for you and for your scarf! Glad you are able to get some things and treat yourself you deserve it. Especially since adorable little cullen isn't sleeping for you. :o) haha.

  2. You will LOVE having a denim shirt! I got one at Old Navy last year and have worn it into the ground... in fact, thanks for the reminder I need to buy a new one. I love the two outfits you pinned and now I am feeling inspired, too!

    Sidenote - Cullen IS totally squeezable.

  3. Love the post this week! That Rachael is pretty awesome - oh wait, I guess it posts that this is from me! In any case, love ya girl and I'll be sure to check out the baby lips! Talk soon!

  4. Jenny~ I still need to watch that commercial for baby lips. From what you told me, it's a gem ;). You'll have to teach me how to wear my denim shirt. I need my fashion guru!

    Andrea~ So far I am lov-ing my denim shirt! I've probably worn it 3 times this week :). Pinterest is not my favorite place for outfit inspirations! Oh, and Old Navy has a ton of denim shirts- you could totally find another one to run to the ground! haha!

    That Rachael is pretty awesome, even if the post wasn't anonymous :) And yes, baby lips is fun! Love you!

  5. Hi!

    I just found your blog through a google image search, I tagged the pic of the denim shirt and boots in my blog post today and just wanted to say thank you and introduce myself. Your blog is so cute.

