Monday, March 7, 2011

Everyone Needs a Little Ron Jeremy in Their Life

Parking lot full, a line wrapped around the building, a sold out event, packed with 2400 people. For months Eastlake Community Church had planned to host a debate, featuring, arguable, the biggest name in the pornography business, Ron Jeremy, and the founder of, Craig Gross. The night had finally come. A seemingly unlikely duo, Ron and Craig, have spent much time together going around the country debating all things pornography. Though they have done this debate over 50 times, this was one of the first times a church had invited the debate into their walls. It did not disappoint.

I was looking forward to this event, to hear both perspectives and sides of the coin. I walked into the debate, admittedly filled with my own preconceived notions and judgments about Ron Jeremy and what he was all about. I expected for Ron to glorify his industry, and rave about all the good things he feels it's done for society, and I'm pleased to say that Ron Jeremy isn't who I thought he was. Sure he has had a 32 year and counting, career in the porn business, and has slept with more women than he can probably count, but underneath all of that, is man who is searching, questioning, doubting, and wondering like I am. Between the debate Saturday night, and the four services he graciously was interviewed in yesterday by Craig Gross, I found him to be refreshingly honest, transparent, and absolutely hilarious. He didn't build up the porn industry to be the best thing this world has ever seen, and is not on a mission to suck people into that fact, quite the opposite. He knows the business well, and answered the questions from a business man's point of view, but was clear that he doesn't care what people do; it's their choice. He is who he is, made fun of himself a lot of the time, and displayed much intelligence. He knows his stuff, and even though I'm not running to buy all of his films, I respect his two bachelor degrees, and master's degree in special education. He's a smart guy, and I am thankful that I got to see that side of him, and realize how easily I judge a book by its cover....or professtion

The most inspiring part of this whole experience was the relationship that Ron and Craig have. They banter and rip each other, and call each other names, but they also are able to have meaningful conversations about faith, questions of life, and doubts. Yesterday's services were more of a personal look at Ron as he was interviewed, as oppose to him defending anything, and it was profound to watch. There was a genuineness that Ron displayed that allowed me to appreciate his questions and doubts. He's had three very significant relationships in the last fifteen years, with people in the Christian community, and had several "whopper encounters" that have shaped him. He would admit there is something to be said for all of that. His wonderings aren't lost on a God who often uses the crazy to bring clarity. I'm curious how Ron Jeremy's story will end, and am glad for him that it's not over yet.

See more than ever, I was reminded that Jesus brings unity and wholeness...and especially to and from places that seem far from possible. The respect and admiration Ron and Craig had for each other was a testament to that. They genuinely care for each other, and trust each others' character and intentions. To see that in the flesh yesterday proved to me that Jesus can work in those who are willing, and uses paradoxes to reveal his purpose and love.

Now I'm not saying my mind was changed about what I think about pornography, but my mind was opened and reminded to take someone as the whole person. We all have a story that makes us who we are, and Ron Jeremy is no exception. He believes in God, is moved by worship music, and has had some life altering experiences that have led him to really contemplate what he believes and why, and I don't see how that is much different than you and me. I found his rawness to be refreshing, and very humbling. I'm grateful for the openness and willingness he had to walk in our church and be so vulnerable, and I think everyone needs a little Ron Jeremy in their life. Whether that's a friend, or a revelation that forces to you to think and respond differently, a "Ron Jeremy" experience will help you know Jesus better.

My mind is going to be spinning about this for days! Talk about God busting my "box!"


  1. That is awesome you got to see it in person!!! Jeff & I have been following xxxchurch for about 5 years now and we love it. We have watched naitonal porn sunday online and loved it. It is so refreshing. Great post, Jess!

  2. Thanks Jenny! So glad you liked it :). I was so excited when I heard they were coming to our church; it was incredible. I've only been familiar with xxxchurch for about a year, and it is awesome from what I've experienced. I'm excited to learn more about it!
