Friday, March 4, 2011

We Live in a Beautiful World


The sound of rain hitting the window, the vibrant colors of autumn, the smell of everything blooming in the spring, the beauty of fresh fallen snow and the way it quiets the world, the power and transparency of water, and the consistency of the seasons, stop me in my tracks. Truthfully it is so hard for me to put into words the peace, reverence, contentment, and gratefulness that creation brings to my soul. It's far too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life and the worries that come along with the huge responsibilities we bear, but I find that nature is such great therapy. When I get away from my mind, and literally focus on the beauty and elegance that I am surrounded by, it's gives me perspective, it grounds me, it refreshes me, and provides me with some energy to keep moving through my day.

Somewhere in my adult life, my appreciation for this beautiful world became more than just admiration. I've tried to articulate for myself, why I feel such hope and peace when I see, feel, hear, or smell something that makes me pause. Though I could probably come up with a million obvious reasons, this morning, the deeper reason came to me, and inspired this post.... In a world that is filled with pain, suffering, confusion, chaos, inconsistencies, and worries, creation is the opposite. It is the tangible and visible manifestation of God's character and love for us. It's consistent, ordered, lovely, and gives me hope that God cares for me and my life the way He cares for this gorgeous world that He's put together.  Creating something takes care, delicacy, and intelligence. You must think long and hard about something you are weaving together, and there is no doubt in my mind that God displayed all of those characteristics as he was creating such a fantastically magnificent world, and us.

Creation allows me to step outside of my fog and recognize that the God we yearn to understand, wants to know us too, and shows us how He will do that, through the world He's given us to dwell in for awhile. He cares for us with the same amount of detail, if not more, than the trees and flowers He's meticulously put together, and THAT is what I realized, this morning, as I was pondering why I feel so connected to God when I am curious and in wonder of the things I see.

I love Matthew 6: 25-27...

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"
We matter! Creation screams that to me. I love taking pictures of the things I see when I'm a walk, or am just out and about. I've noticed my eye is now looking for new photo opportunities, because I love trying to capture what I feel. I'm no photographer, but here are some pictures I've taken over the last year or so (I really like trees and water), that keep me grounded, and reminded of God's goodness, and give me a little therapy, when I see them. Maybe they'll do that same for you. 


  1. Love LOVE love this!! I totally agree. Creation is so awesome! I love your blog! xoxox

  2. Thank you so so much! I'm happy your liking my blog so much :). I'm having fun with it. I love yours too, by the way!
