Thursday, March 8, 2012

Springy Sandals, De-lish Dip, and Kony 2012

Happy Thursday!


Happy International Women's Day!

I'm not a necessarily a feminist, but I do believe in women being empowered and having a voice.
So, here's to all the women I know and love that make me proud to be a woman, myself!

Check out this week's video, and see what's going on over here!

KONY 2012- A campaign to stop Joseph Kony from abducting young boys into his LRA army, in the Central African Republic.
You can be a part of bringing him to justice. If you haven't seen the video below, please watch it. If you feel compelled to act, do it. Let's speak for those who don't have a voice.

Amazing Peanut Butter, Yogurt, and Honey fruit dip
If there was a slogan for this dip, it would read, "A dollop of heaven with every dip."
It's healthy AND tasty, plus it takes 3 minutes. Seriously, you'll be hooked in the first dip.
Thank you, Jenny, for posting this life changing recipe.

Target Floral Glasses

Similar Sunglasses

Cullen modeling them for you

Shoes on Sale!

I was so excited to see that the sandals I had been eye-ing on,
finally went on sale for $13.00! I snag two pairs, since the deal was so good!

Unfortunately, they aren't on sale anymore since it was a "Deal of the Day" special.
BUT, if you love them, they are still available for purchase at $22.50
This website has a ton of other great shoes as well, and their daily sales are always fun!


Allen Stone
I first heard Allen Stone when he performed on Conan O'Brien awhile back. Fast forward a few months, and I once again reminded of him through another blogger. I've been hooked for the last two weeks. Again. This guy is the real deal. Check out my favorite song of his below.

Have a great day!
And remember to change your clocks 

an hour ahead this weekend!
Spring is upon us! YES!


  1. Okay made me laugh, you have to finish the apple. WORD. And no I didnt get it from pinterest, got it from hellogiggles. :o) And allen stone is awesome. love the style of music. connects with my soul. Yay for shoes & glasses I will see them in person soon enough!!! yippeee.

  2. That dip looks yummy! I'll have to try it. I saw it on Jenny's TL last week. Great sunglasses and great deal on those shoes! So cute! Love discovering new music! KONY...ugh all I can say is disgusting! Makes me so sad.
