Sunday, March 4, 2012

10 Things I've Learned About Blogging

I will admit, that there are few hobby-like things in my life that I have stuck to. I have regrets about quitting the piano when I entered high school, I never played a sport that I then got good at, and I have done minimal exploring of my interests. Finding an interest of mine, that I like enough to stick with it when it's hard, and have a continual desire to learn and stretch myself to be better at it, has been non-existent or minimal in my life.

I was encouraged to start blogging last year at this time. When I started, my expectations of myself weren't high.  I simply knew that I loved writing, and that I had a lot on my mind, but I didn't start this with the intention of it becoming anything other than a space to clear my head.  To my delight, what started as a place to get "5 Minutes Peace," has become one of the most rich and meaningful experiences of my life. One that has brought me much fulfillment, joy, energy, and encouragement, in a season of much questioning. Blogging is the first hobby I've taken up that I have committed to for the long hall. It's the first hobby that I have had a desire to "master." Meaning, I want this blog to be the best I can make it. I don't strive to be the best blogger the world has ever seen, because there are many better than me, but I strive for my little space in the world wide web to be something I'm proud of and excited to share. I always want to keep an attitude of "desire to learn and grow" at the forefront of every post.

I've learned much about blogging this year, and I just thought, "Why not share?" I don't claim to have a wealth of knowledge on the perfect "how to's" of blogging, or the best recipe for a thriving blog, but I have had some really cool and helpful experiences that I wanted to pass along to you, my readers!

1) Only start blogging if you love it.
Don't start a blog because it's the thing to do. Only start a blog if you have inspiration and a passion for expression in that way. If you do it because it's the "in" thing to do, it's going to fizzle quickly. And honestly, I think people see through that.

2) Stick with it! Don't quit!
Like anything worth being good at, or feeling proud of, it takes work and consistency. It's as simple as that. If you have a passion for self-expression through blogging, than keep at it!

3) Write or post when inspired. Don't write just to fill space.
Filling space is empty. Write and/or post because sharing what's on your mind at that time, gets you excited. If you're excited or inspired, you're readers will feel that.

4) Number of "followers" doesn't define quality.
Would it be cool to see hundreds of people following your blog? Sure. But, don't let the number "followers" get you too discouraged or cocky. It's exciting, yes, but it isn't the only measure of success. Blogging can so easily become a popularity contest, where people cater to expectation and sacrifice being true to themselves. Number of followers doesn't define the quality of a blog. There are blogs on both ends of the follower spectrum that are wonderful because they are authentic. A great blog is a great blog because of honest content, not just because 10,000 say they follow it, alone. Write what you want, post what you want, and focus on being real rather than, "I hope this gets me more followers." Funny enough, I think letting go of the desire for gathering lots of followers, brings you more followers.

5) Be honest. Be yourself.
My favorite bloggers are the ones who ooze authenticity. The ones who don't take themselves too seriously, who admit their imperfections, and can laugh at themselves. Being genuine and honest is so refreshing, and cultivates a wonderful place for conversation and friendship. Be you. It's your blog after all.

6) Blogging friends can turn into real life friends!
I have "met" some of the most lovely people I know through blogging. When you are willing to be vulnerable, you find others that want and look for similar things in their lives and relationships. I look back on this year and thank God for the fantastic ladies, more like "soul sister" friends that have come into my life as a result of blogging. These are people who have made me feel less alone in my way of thinking and processing. Whether we "met" over the internet, met in person, or reconnected after many years, my life is richer because of those I know as a result of blogging. If you're going to blog, be prepared to meet some a-ma-zing pals!

7) Interact with other bloggers.
Truthfully, this is something I'm trying to get better at.
It's so fun to read others' blogs. I have found inspiration, creativity, and refreshment through reading and connecting with other bloggers. There are some fantastic people out there! One of my "blog goals" this year is to interact more.

8) Respond to your comments in a timely manner.
I'm preaching to the choir here.
I think it is so important to respond to those who take the time and effort to comment or write to you, in a timely manner (just so you know, I'm saying this while I have a few posts that are currently unattended! Yikes, and I'm sorry!). Responding more quickly is another "blog goal" of mine in this next year of blogging. It lets your readers know that you are grateful for the time they took to connect with you.

9) Sharing life is SO important!
We live in a society that tells us to grow up, and then isolate ourselves. That every man is for himself. Truth: Everyone needs help, has struggles, and hates being alone. It becomes harder to express our needs and fears because it's not the norm to show pain/struggle/questioning. We walk around thinking that we can't be honest and ask for guidance because nobody else is. But, the truth is few are doing it because, because few are modeling it. Well, in this last year, I've learned to admit my need for help, and have realized that we ALL need help, and we desperately need each other. Growing up and isolating is damaging. The older I get, the more I realize my need for community. So, whether you are sharing a recipe, a craft project, or a thought, it's meaningful. If you have something that is inspiring you, share it with others. If it's making your life more rich and doable, pass it along. Don't isolate. Join in! Blog because you want to share life with others. Blog to encourage others to do the same.

10) Have fun!
Blogging, like any other hobby, should be a source of fun and energy. Be silly, be goofy, be honest, be thoughtful. Just enjoy the journey. Blogging has been an absolute blast for me, and I can't wait to have more fun with all of you in this next year!

Thank you again, for all of your love, support, thoughts, and feedback this last year. I mean it when I say, you have been a huge part of something that has amazingly life-giving for me, and I couldn't be more grateful for each of you.

I am going to announce the "1 Year Blog-versary" winner tomorrow, March 5th, so if you haven't entered, you still have time! I'd love to give you some of my favorite goodies- hop on over and participate!

Happy Blogging, Friends!


  1. Love number 9. I really appreciate you vulnerability as a parent. It's good to know there are others wrestling with the same issues.

  2. I totally need to be better about replying to comments - I seriously SUCK at that!

  3. I'm pretty new to the blogging world so I really enjoyed this list! And congrats on one year!

  4. Thanks so much, Matt. You are most definitely not alone with parenting struggles/questions/hardships. I truly think parenting is the hardest "work" you'll ever do, and that we shouldn't have to do it alone. You're a great dad, and Liam is lucky to have you.

    Andrea~ I think consistently responding in a timely manner is one of the biggest challenges I have in blogging. I SO need to get better at this too! We can help each other :)

    Laura~ Welcome to the blogging world! And thank you for the congratulations! I hope you're enjoying the journey of blogging. Thanks for saying "hi." :)
