Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday Latelies!

We are halfway through March already. What?!

I'm grateful for the extra sunlight we've started to get up here (thanks daylight savings!), and the hope of spring that extra bit of light brings.

There are a few other things that made my week "tick," so check out my loves below!

Essie Nail Polish- It may be a pretty penny for nail polish, BUT when it stays on for days and days, it's money well spent. I'm loving me some "tart deco."

Wet N' Wild- Remember that brand? Flashbacks of middle school are flooding my mind. I'm so glad I've been reacquainted with it. "Tickled Pink" is brightening up my week, with it's soft, bubblegum-y look. I think you'll like it too! Try it!


Creative Inspiration Struck! I love it when that happens. This weekend I did a few projects, but below is my favorite one. When creativity happens, it's really quite fun! Once I hang the frames, I'll show you a final final picture.

Zumba- For a gal who isn't into Latin music, I'm surprised that Zumba has caught my attention. Do you need a work out that's fun, structured, and makes you sweat? Yes? Then this is the thing for you. It's even more fun with an awesome friend like Andrea. Thanks for laughing with me!
Jenny, we're trying to do you proud!

Next week's Thursday Latelies will be a hoot, I can just feel it.
AND the Hunger Games countdown is on. 7 days.
Watch out high school girls, these late 20 somethings are gonna beat you to the front of the line. That's perk of being an adult and/or a stay at home mom. Boo- yah!!!

See you next Thursday!


  1. Hey, I'm your newest follower! I love everything about your Thursday Latelies, and I had my first go with Essie this week too (You can check out my thursday latelies video: And Zumba rocks!!! :)


  2. Haha, now I feel like a big nail polish ho 'cause I have a bunch of Essie and OPI. I think my inner 13 year old is jealous of my friends who were like you and had enviable nail polish collections. So as an adult I spoil myself with way over priced nail polish, lol.

    I loved our Zumba date, too!! I honestly am still sore in my calves! I have always been a gym hater but being able to do that class makes me want to get a membership, like for real. Then we can feel like nerds together :)

  3. I recently tried Essie as well and really like it! Tart Deco is one of my all time favs! I am wearing "sand tropez" right now and REALLY love that one. I also have a teal-ish blue color (the name of the color escapes me right now and it's upstairs) that I'm dying to wear soon. Not that it's a huge price difference but Walmart sells it for $7.75. It is expensive but I've noticed they carry really nice colors and you are so right about it lasting! I use Wet n Wild too! Heck, I've tried them all! Have a great week and I can't wait to see next week's TL's!
