Thursday, March 29, 2012

Friends Make Life Better!

True: This week was awesome
True: I didn't want Jenny's trip to end
True: I was exhausted when it was all over
False: I wouldn't do it again.

I hope your week was filled with lots of moments that brought you joy and smiles.
This past week was one of the most fun weeks I've had in quite some time.

Check out the highlights of Jenny's trip to WA!

Justin Bieber's new single, "Boyfriend" is keeping my ears happy this week. I have a feeling this song is going to be on repeat until his new album comes out in June-ish. I'm really impressed with him. Go buy his single, and support and artist who is talented, genuine, and helps generous. He's the kind of entertainer who's worthy of having lots of fans. And I must say, he's quite the looker these days.

Layla is even hooked

After months of waiting and going through a ridiculous address/mail issue, I finally have my boots! Jenny was so sweet to buy them for me and graciously ship these babies to me 4 times, because of our mail problem. She ended up just bringing them for me when she visited, but I appreciated the massive effort she made to get them to me. It's still raining here, so these boots have some life in them yet! Thank you, friend!

Here's a fact for you... I enjoy Edgar Allan Poe. I have been reunited with him this last week, through this book. His mysteriously dark writing is awfully intriguing to me. I've enjoyed getting reacquainted with his work. He's a bit of a tortured soul, but sometimes, tortured souls are the best storytellers.

Seeing The Hunger Games was an absolute highlight of my week! Maybe even my year! Oh man, we had so much fun, and the movie was impressive. Read the books first, before you see the movie, but if you already read them, get your butt to the theater and see this movie. It was awesome. We had so much fun!

A few highlights from this last week while Jenny was here.

It's true that life is better shared...
...especially with good friends!

I'll see you all in April!

1 comment:

  1. It was an amazing trip!!!!! Seriously I can't thank you enough for a wonderful time spent in your world. I totally have packing brain and didn't play the Biebs song but I knew you would! haha. And thank goodness for heytell or I would be a little depressed that we don't live closer. "Life is better shared" has kind of been the tag line on my blog for awhile, so I love that you said it / believe that too. I hope you enjoy your boots because you deserve them!!!!
