Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday Latelies: Good Music, Good Smells, Good Books

I hope you've all a good week!

I started today by renewing my license, so I was very happy to get home after a busy morning and link up with BEX to do another Thursday Latelies video, since it's way more fun than waiting for your number to be called.

The process I went through to convert my video to an acceptable file, had me a little frustrated because  my music didn't line up how I edited it after it was converted :/ ...Lame!
So just enjoy a random nine second snippet of music in a random spot, and pretend it's where it was supposed to be. I'm teaching myself how to edit videos and obviously need more practice!


Foster the People

"Call It What You Want"
"I Would Do Anything For You"

Check out their album on itunes

Scentsy Wickless Candles are a great and safe way to give your home a yummy smell and a little more light. Check out my friend Crystal's, scentsy website to peruse through the warmers and scents. My favorites are "Luna," "Pumpkin Roll," and "Autumn Sunset."

The Hunger Games series is keeping me entertained, thrilled, and wanting more. If you're looking for a great book to read that will hold your attention, read these books!

Well, it's a simple week for you, but those three things are giving me lots of joy, so I hope they bring you joy too.

Have yourselves a wonderful first full week of Fall!


  1. Fun, I love Foster The People. I actually started listening to them after hearing some of the songs at ECC. I am going to have to check out the Scentsy thing, not only because your friend has an awesome last name :) but because we also have the candle conundrum, lol. Have a great week!

  2. ECC always plays the best music! I've also discovered some awesome groups/singers just from the music they play before and after service. My scentsy friend, Crystal, goes to Eastlake as well, haha. So, you guys have the same name AND go to the same church-already so much in common :). Scentsy is awesome- I think you'd love it, especially with kiddos!

    Did you go the Sammamish launch yesterday?
