Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Take Your Brain With You

No matter how you feel about politics it is imperative, essential, vital, etc, to vote. We live in a nation that gives us the opportunity to offer our opinion, and participate in what happens...and that is a privilege. You must vote if you want what you say to matter. If you don't vote, you can't complain. Not voting is the worst kind of indifference to have. No matter how annoyed you may be about politics, don't miss the chance to practice democracy.

That's where I'll start.

Politics, these days, seem to be less about the needs of this country, and the role we should have in this world, and more about the candidates' sex lives. I wouldn't call myself someone who is passionate about politics, but in the year of a presidential election, it's hard to escape hearing details about the political world. In the recent years, I feel like the political races have gotten more and more unnecessarily personal, and quite violent. I realize that someone's character is important in a situation where they would be leading, and we should absolutely look at patterns and themes in someone's life, but if we tear apart every last decision someone has ever made, no one would ever be an eligible candidate.

Politics are also quite frustrating to me these days, because each side does so much ridiculing and slandering of "the other side." Playing the "I know best" or "My side is correct" game, just gets ugly, and frankly, it's arrogant. The division that kind of talk creates is quite bothersome to me. The way someone votes is, and should be very personal. If we all have a story, then we all have reasons why we vote the way we do. So be it. I fully respect anyone's right to have their opinion, and think that's the beauty of living in this nation, but to call someone ignorant because they don't see things exactly like you do, is unacceptable in my book... Unless of course, they really are ignorant. Just kidding. TOTALLY kidding.

Politics become even more tricky when throwing it around the religious circles. The idea that if you are a person of faith, you are automatically a republican, or that someone who considers him or her self a democrat, doesn't have a moral compass, is unfair and completely untrue. As someone who considers herself someone of faith, I feel I'm becoming the rare-bird who isn't going to automatically click "republican"  simply because of my faith. I want to first be open-minded. If that lands me on the Republican side, great, but if I identify more with the left, then I'll vote that way. Admittedly, I have always voted Republican, and I just may keep that track record going, but I guess, what I'm trying to say is that it wouldn't make me less of a person of faith or intelligence if I did, in fact, vote a different way. Truthfully, in our day to day life, I do not believe it matters how you vote... it matters how you love. Last time I checked, your political preference didn't define who you at your core.

Where do I stand in the this election year? Truthfully, politics exhaust me, because of everything I stated above. I can't watch all the debates, and read all the political articles- I'm drained two sentences in. But, because voting is a non-negotiable for me, I am committed to researching each candidate on the both sides, and will vote the best way I can, based on the information I find. I will do the research, I won't let someone else tell me how I should vote. I plan to go issue by issue that's important to me, and look at what I feel most passionate about. Whoever lines up best with the things that are important to me, will get my vote.

I know it's early in the year, and we have until November to listen and research, but time moves quickly and politics, though annoying at times, are important. I may not be passionate about them myself, but I want to be aware. Honestly, I haven't done much digging for information yet in this race, but I will once the candidates are chosen.

One of my favorite "pins" on Pinterest says, "Follow your heart, but take your brain with you." Don't vote based on feelings alone. Think. Research. Ask questions. Be informed. Vote for yourself.

Happy Election Year!

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