Saturday, May 12, 2012

Introducing "Things That Kick Ass"

Welcome to mine and Jenny's new segment,
affectionately titled...

Have you ever loved something so much, or were excited enough about something, that simply saying, "that's awesome," just didn't cut it? Yeah, me too.
Sometimes, there needs to be a little more oomph in describing how awesome something or someone is. Sometimes, things just Kick Ass.

That's what this series is all about- giving those things the attention they deserve.
Products, Movies, Music, Food, Moments, People, and more, will be highlight in this series.

Life is grand, I've got nothing to complain about, and this is my way of continuing to open up my world to you even more.

Watch the video below to hear all about what this new video segment entails.
I personally, am SO excited!

If you have things in your world that are simply "kicking ass," and there's no other way to say it, join the fun! Grab the button below if you want to participate, or promote the "Kick Ass Movement."
Link Ups will be available next week.

Have a Kick Ass Weekend!


  1. SO FUN! I never really felt like I was a Thursday Latelies person, as much as liked watching them. But... just maybe.... I might be a Things-That-Kick-Ass person. I hate myself on video, but I might just make myself try it! I'm excited to see what else you and Jenny are coming up with.

    PS. You look very pretty in this video. That color is kick-ass on you. :)

    1. Somehow, I think I agree with you that you doing "Things That Kick Ass" seems more fitting than Thursday Latelies :). Truthfully, I never thought that I would have the guts to do video posts, but I just dove in, and now I love them. Maybe you would too! It would be SO fun to "see" you! Hopefully they'll be a link up sometime this week if you wanted to try it out!

      And thank you so much for your "kick ass" compliment! I appreciate it much!

  2. Fun! And I LOVE that you said "y'all" me that kicks ass! hahaha

    Love your necklace and shirt/dress? So pretty and great colors on you! I haven't tried that mascara. I'll have to try it but I have to use waterproof or else I have smears at the end of the day :(

    I have tried that cereal and it is good. I'm on a granola kick right now and I had Cascadia Farms last week and just bought Kind yesterday.

    Have a great Mother's Day!

    1. I couldn't believe "ya'll" came out of my mouth, haha! Glad you thought that kicked ass ;). I was laughing at myself, big time!

      Thank you so much for the compliments on my shirt and necklace! So sweet! I got the shirt on clearance at Target- of course, haha, and the necklace at Forever 21. They were both so cheap! I love a good deal!

      I haven't heard of Cascadia Farms, or just haven't paid attention. I love granola though! Especially in yogurt- greek yogurt! I'll have to keep my eye for that brand. And Kind, like the Kind Bars right? Yum!

      I hope you had an awesome Mother's Day!

  3. Hi! I'm a new reader and I'm super psyched for Things That Kick Ass! This is such a great idea - seriously, just last week I was thinking about how I get so obsessed with products/people/things and this is the perfect avenue to talk about my latest obsession!

    So, thank you, and looking forward to reading more on your blog!

    1. Hi Heather! It's so nice to meet you via internet :)
      Thanks for you excitement about Things That Kick Ass! I'm absolutely like you, in that I can get so excited about something that simply saying, "I like this a lot" doesn't cut it, haha! There is going to be an opportunity to link up and participate, so I can't wait to hear about the things that Kick Ass in your world!
      Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! I love meeting new friends! I'll head over to your slice of the world wide web now!
