Friday, May 11, 2012

Photo Friday- Earring Disaster

Welcome to Photo Friday!

Here's my horrifying picture for this week.

When Layla woke me last Saturday morning, complaining of a little bit of dried blood on the back of her ear, I said, "No big deal, Buggie! We can totally clean it up. Let me look at your earring," and didn't think anything of it. Anyone with their ears pierced knows that from time to time, your ear can get infection, or it can poke your skin, so both of those options were the obvious first thought when I began to investigate the dried blood situation for Layla.

Well, imagine my horror when I looked behind her ear to find that the back of her earring had somehow buried itself back into the hole. What the heck am I looking at?!
I calmly said to Layla, "Hey sweetie, let's go into the bathroom so I can clean it for you and look closer." She and I went to the bathroom, and I soon discovered that I was out of my league. I had no idea what had happened, and felt completely uncomfortable attempting to get this earring out on my own. Part of the earring looked like it had skin that had grown over it- which we later found out was not the case. Phew!

Bobby, was still asleep, when I woke him up to tell him that we needed to go to Urgent Care, STAT. He jumped up and headed straight for the bathroom to check her ear out. It took him no time to agree that we needed some extra help getting this fixed. So we told Layla that everything was ok, but we needed to go to the doctor so they could help, since we didn't want to hurt her. A few tears flowed, out of fear, but when we mentioned the words "donuts and chocolate milk" her eyes dried up pretty quickly.

We were the first ones at the Seattle Children's Urgent Care that morning, so thankfully we had no wait time (Sidenote: If you live in the Seattle/Eastside area and need to take your child to Urgent Care, I would highly highly recommend Seattle Children's Urgent Care in Bellevue.). The staff was incredible, and the doctor who actually helped Layla get her earring out was kind, calm, and gentle. She was able to pop the earring right out, and Layla did even flinch. Impressive. We were there from start to finish, for an hour. Our experience was wonderful. "Wonderful" in this case, meaning smooth, easy, and minimal pain.

Come to find out, the post of Layla's earring had bent, likely from sleeping, causing the earring back to dig into her skin. The back of her earring actually sliced her skin and created a slit for a hole, which is why it was able to bury itself like it did. But, thank God that our bodies heal fast, and that it wasn't anything worse, because Layla was able to put a new earring in the next day- doctor said it was ok- and now Layla has no issues. I'm glad we got out of that one, seemingly pain free. I think I was more worried that Layla was.

So, here's to this Saturday being filled with my Mother's Day massage, and not an urgent care visit. I'm sure grateful that places like that exist, but I'm not planning to make another trip there anytime soon.

What's a fun or crazy picture from your week! Link up below and share it!

Have a fabulous Mother's Day weekend!


  1. Sorry to hear about sweet girls ear! So glad it was not serious! Also so glad you are still posting. I love reading your updates. Have a great weekend and a Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Thank you, Nicole! I was so happy it wasn't more serious as well. I would have felt really horrible. Thank you also, for your encouragement about continuing to post- I appreciate it more than you know. It's connected my to fun friends, like you, so I am not at all considering stopping! It was so fun to see you link up! I'm going to head over your way and look through your pictures :). I hope you had a great Mother's Day!
