Thursday, May 17, 2012

MOMENTS That Kick Ass


The first official episode of "Things That Kick Ass" is here!

Today, I'm focusing on moments that have kicked ass this past week.

Now it's your turn!

We've set up a "link up" below so you can share the things that are kicking ass in your world.

In addition, Jenny, is focusing on products that have kicked ass this week, so if you are interested in linking up with some products that you are loving, you can head over there.

I already have a few things lined up for the next video, so stay tuned!

Happy early weekend to you!


  1. Hi! I'm a new reader and I'm loving your blog! I have to tell you that I got all teary when you showed the pictures your daughter drew - that is just adorable! I have a 6-month-old son, so I can't even imagine how I'll feel when he's drawing pictures for me! Anyway, super cute, very touching, and a great reminder about what is really important. So thank you :)

    Hoping to link up later on today!

    1. Hi Heather! Thanks for stopping by- I always love making new friends! That's lovely you have a 6 month old son. Motherhood kicks my butt, but it's the most meaningful work I've ever done. You are going to LOVE when your son makes you pictures; it's so special! I watched your video and planned on commenting today, so I'll head over there now. It was so fun to see your link up!

      I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. So glad you had a great Mother's Day! Love the pictures your daughter made for you! I love to get things like that from my son. Motherhood is hard. I struggle with the balance of it all everyday. It is nice to have a day for us.

    1. Oh my goodness, I can't tell you how much I understand the struggle to balance everything. I don't do it very well some days, and often get overwhelmed when I think about there being an expectation to do it "all." I agree, it's nice to have day for us mom's, so we can take care of ourselves without feeling guilty.

      Have a great weekend!
