Friday, May 4, 2012

Photo Friday: Surprise Picnics

Welcome to my first Photo Friday!
Here's the picture that sums up my week.

This past weekend, Bobby was "on-call" for work. It happens about every 2 months, and I always brace myself for a potentially long week. If Bobby could get a call to go help a client at anytime, then I have to be ready to be on complete mom duty anytime, as well. Needless to say, my energy is zapped, and I'm completely depleted by the end of the week that Bobby is on-call- and he is too. Taking the following weekend to recovery is always our plan. And that starts tonight!

Between last Friday night and last Sunday evening, Bobby put in 18 hours of work. It was a very busy on-call weekend, and I was definitely tired from the all the disruption that it brought. He was on his last call for the night on Sunday, and Layla was itching for something to do- because let's be honest, I ran out of ideas on hour two that Bobby was gone. I saw her taking plates, bowls, and crackers to her room, and quickly noticed she was setting up a picnic of sorts. I asked her what she was getting all this together for, and she responded, "It's a surprise party for daddy!" How sweet and thoughtful my lil' lady is.

So, when Bobby walked in the door, she showed him to her room, and they dined on water and Cheez-its. Only the best over here, folks. Cullen promptly joined in the fun, and though the picture doesn't show it well, he was giving Bobby a back massage. A two year old version, at least.

As I look at this picture, there is so much I feel grateful for, even in the midst of my exhaustion happening simultaneously.

1) I have a husband who works his ass off. Seriously, he does everything he can to provide for us, and does it well. Even when it means massive overtime during the weekend.

2) I have two healthy kids, who are full of energy and creativity.

3) We actually have snacks and bowls to make picnics with. Something I rarely think about, but am aware of how thankful I am for that in this picture. We are provided for, and have what we need.

4) My kids have a father who will sit down with them, and join in on this spontaneous picnic, after a super long day. He is present and active in their lives. Grateful.

5) Finally, we have a home for my husband to walk into, and have picnics in. Our small dwelling makes me happy and full.

So, here's to a weekend of rest, and recovery, and to being grateful for the small things in my life, that actually end up being huge after all.

What's the picture for you that sums up your week?

Have a great weekend, friends!


  1. That is so very sweet and special. What a great moment you captured. Life is beautiful! =)

  2. Oh sweet Layla! I am so glad you are my friend because you are just such a wonderfully positive and uplifting person.

    I just realized Griffin had crushed a bunch of crackers onto his lap in his high chair when I read the part about being thankful we HAVE crackers. There is joy in the fact that the worst thing about him doing that is that I have to spend 2 minutes sucking them up with the vacuum... this is a blessed life we lead!

  3. It's seriously a blessing to have an involved, loving husband! This helps me to look forward to the age when my kiddo can actually play with Dad, not just sit there :)

  4. Sarah~ You said it best, life is beautiful! Sometimes you don't even have to look very far to find the beauty :)

    Andrea~ You made such a great point that if vacuuming up crumbs is the biggest problem in the day, then we're pretty blessed. Amen to that, my friend. I know I often forget to even be thankful for something as small as that, but I think the more we're thankful for the small, the more aware we become of how great life truly is.

    I'm seriously SO grateful that we have become such good friends. I feel like we were destined to know each other :). I think you have a great perspective on life and motherhood, and I'm lucky to call you my pal!

    Mackenzie~ Having a supportive husband is huge! I seriously couldn't be a parent without Bobby. You are going love watching your son grow and seeing he and your husband bond more and more. It's so heartwarming!
