Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday Latelie- Are you a Mystic?

It's time to link up with Bex A Style Diary, and do another edition of "Thursday Latelies." Today's is brought to you by the word ...

M Y S T I C 

Definition: A person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believe in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.

Watch this week's video to find out more about why I love the word "Mystic."

Glitter Nailpolish: Sally Hansen 
Get any color you wish! Here's a glimpse of my fave right now...

Here is a link to the white watch I bought from Target. Apparently it's out of stock online. Sorry about that! You can at least get info about it, and know what to look for at your local Target. See, I'm really doing you a favor after all! ;). 

If you are interested in reading "The Magician's Nephew," the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series, Here is the link to it on Amazon. It's a fantastic story, setting you up for the rest of the series. It's been a treat to read this book and let my imagination run wild a little, and feel connected to a different world.

My absolute favorite quote from "The Magician's Nephew":

"For what you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing: it also depends on what sort of person you are." 

-Pretty powerful, huh? I paused when I read that because it moved me so much.-

I end with this thought: There are two realities that co-exist. There is the world of realities we see, and there is a world of realities that we do not see. The world that we do not see is just as present, and just as real, but has to be searched for a little harder. There is good and evil, and there is the pursuit for meaning in both of these worlds. The two worlds are deeply intertwined. There is much that can't be explained. But, there is a story unfolding. I feel that if you are looking, waiting, contemplating, and living in awareness, you see where these two worlds integrate. You start to see bits and pieces of a bigger picture. I want to be the sort of person that sees. I want to be on the look out. I want to sit in the beautiful mystery. So, where are you standing, and what sort of person are you?

Happy Thursday, friends!

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