Saturday, July 30, 2011

Just Live and Love

Well, the topic of the will of God is a heavy one.

I wanted to share some thoughts about it.

I believe the way you view the will of God, significantly changes and affects how you live out your life, and communicate with God.

Here's a silly question, that I've spent way too much of my life worrying about...

"What if I miss God's will, or I am not in it?"

Have you ever asked those questions?

I've spent lots of time wondering if I'm making the right choices, living in the right place, or pursuing the right things.

Here's what I'm discovering is silly about those questions....

1) It makes you live in constant fear of making a mistake- like walking on eggshells at every turn and every decision. As if every single decision is about right and wrong, or that important.

2) It makes God look so uncreative. Like he's not smart or big enough to adapt and meet us where we're at.

3) It minimizes the amazing free will that we've been given. Maybe we've been given these brilliant minds, so we can write the story WITH God- not walk around with our heads hung, like little wussies, who can't make a decision on our own.

All of that to me oozes guilt, and bondage- isn't the point to be set free?

 Imagine a marriage where every single decision you make is weighed because you think your spouse will be mad, disappointed, or angry with you if you don't choose the exact right thing all the time. Or if you had to ask permission for every little thing? Geez, that would be awful, wouldn't it? And we view God like this?!! 
A marriage like that is considered controlling, stifling, not life giving, and abusive, in cases. If all of those negative things would be true in marriage like that, then why do we put the will of God in perspective like that?

And better yet, why would I possibly want a relationship with God like that!

The Punch Line

See, I don't think God knows the future in the sense that everything is settled.
I think he knows the future in possibilities- like he knows all potential outcomes of any situation, because He's just that smart.
I believe a million, billion percent in our free will, and that there is a lot of room for our choices to be a part of what shapes the future. 
That means our lives are important, influential, and potentially able to be used for 
massive good, or evil. 
I think he designed us that way, because he loves us, and love equals freedom and choice. 
You take away that, you take away love- the essence of who God is. 
SO, I believe that we help him write our story through our choices. 
I think He gives us most of the say in our lives. 
Ultimately the more you commune with Christ, the more whole and healthy you are, which brings healthy and whole decisions, which brings a healthy a whole life. 

What if the will of God comes down to this simple idea of loving God and loving people
What if in everything you do, or every decision you make, you ask the question, "Is this loving?" Would that not radically change the way we carry on?
You're never going to go wrong with love. You're never going to regret love. 
How can anything loving ever be out of the will of God?
Then maybe with the big decisions in your life- jobs, moves, etc- you pray, seek wisdom, then GO. Jump with both feet, and trust that God is walking with you.

So few decisions are about right and wrong. The ones that are, are usually obvious. Then, why do we treat every decision like it's about right and wrong, life and death? So much pressure, so much guilt, so much fear! 

If you just live and love, I'd venture to say that you are in the will of God. 

Maybe that's the bottom line.


  1. ok seriously you just made me think rethink and think again and it hit me. the whole reason my life is feeling unfulfilling. im not going to go into details because its just silliness to bring in negativity to such joyful wisdom and thinking but know you just helped me to get over myself and realize some big things and i actually feel like i can breath and i know im going to be alright. ahhh jes i love your mind!

  2. that was from me Danielle Stanton lol

  3. Hi Danielle! Wow, that is far more than I could have hoped for, or dreamed that someone would get out of this post, and I am humbled at your tremendously kind words to me. Yours is the kind that will keep me writing and thinking out loud, so thank you for your encouragement to me.

    I'm so glad you feel like you can breath, and have hope that things are going to be alright. I believe that hope is our life blood, what sustains, what keeps us going, and without glimmers of hope, our everyday life can feel lonely and meaningless. Therefore, I "hope" that you are able to take things one day at a time as you need, and begin a new depth with your relationship with God. That's my journey, too :)

    I love you, friend!
