Monday, December 5, 2011

Grammar Police, Episode 1: Your vs. You're

Welcome to the first ever addition of what I like to lovingly call

"The Grammar Police"

Think of it sort of like the "Where's Waldo" of bad spelling and grammar. I'll be looking for the violations of the English language each week, and sharing them with you.

A big "thank you" to my awesome dad for graciously contributing his glasses for my costume, and to my friends and family who have laughed at me as I get so worked up over seeing the atrocities committed against English, and jokingly calling me the "Grammar Police." You've helped me not take myself so seriously, and I'm grateful for that.

So, come have a little fun with me, and watch the first addition of "The Grammar Police." Know that I'm learning to make fun of my silly obsession with good spelling and grammar, and that this is sheer play.

First up: The difference between "Your and You're."

I'm Watching You!

Now go and stop offending the English language!



  1. Hilarious! I do the same thing. I often wonder if schools have stopped teaching kids about contractions.

  2. Seriously, my friend! Or if people these days are just idiots ;) jk, of course!
