Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday Latelies- Dry Shampoo and (possible) Bieber Fever

I'll admit, it's been a week.

Sometimes even the smallest things can cheer you up, and give you joy.
This week was about the very simple joys for me.
In tiring, long weeks, strangely, I'm always reminded that I have more to be grateful for than to complain about. Whether it's a product, a phone conversation with an out of state friend, a kid free dinner with a good pal, or playfully critiquing poor grammar, I find that when I look for the good, it's actually been there all along.

So here's to the simple. To the small lovelies that have kept me tickin' this week.


... As eye cream! Your eyes will be refreshed in the morning, I promise. I talked about the benefits to your skin from using vaseline, last week, but using it as eye cream is a new addition. Just try it!
Thank you Andrea, from Peanut Butter Handprint, for the awesome suggestion!

French Bread Pizza

French bread- sliced to your liking
Mozzarella Cheese- Shredded or fresh, whatever you prefer
Pepperoni- As much as you want!
Broil for 5-6 minutes

Take out of oven and enjoy!

Dry Shampoo

Wow, how come I didn't discover this earlier?! Whether it's prolonging the time between washes or  giving my hair more volume, I'd say I'm absolutely in love with dry shampoo. This week has been my first experience with dry shampoo. I grabbed Suave, and it was under $3! The results have been amazing. Two other brand options that I've heard good things about are Kenra, and Rockaholic.

I Have a Confession

I hate to even admit this, but I think I have a mild case of "Bieber Fever."
I am absolutely loving his song, "Mistletoe," off of his Christmas album.
Check it out below!

Go to BEX's blog, and meet some other ladies who are sharing the favorites of their week!

Be sure you check out my new weekly segment, and laugh with me about the atrocities committed against the English language!

The Christmas countdown is on! 17 days- woo hoo!
Enjoy all of the holiday fun and anticipation!

Love to you all,


  1. I love that you are so real and relatable. Saying that your son was screaming and admitting that you don't like to wash your hair... it just makes me feel like you are being who you really are and not trying to have a "blog Jessica" and a "real-life Jessica." It's very refreshing.

    Also, I have to admit that I do like that song. If I end up buying that album and my husband never stops making fun of me, I'm blaming you and Jenny! :)

  2. You are always so encouraging, Trischa! I'm really grateful for our "blog" friendship. If I had a nickel for every time my son was screaming in the background of a video, I would be rich. Sometimes I re-record because he's so loud, haha! And yes, I HATE washing my hair! Thanks the Lord for dry shampoo!

    I hope you have Bieber Fever by now! I will happily take some of the blame for that :). I think he's recording a new album to be released this year, so you know you'll even more about him here, haha!
