Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday Latelies- Leavenworth, Coldplay, and Peter Rollins

I had a great week, so it wasn't hard to
link up with BEX with so much to share!

We get to spend a lot of time together this week, because my video is long.
I'm long-winded, and you're my friends now, so it's totally ok :).

OMG- Have you heard Coldplay's new album "Mylo Xyloto?"
Do your ears a favor and get this album STAT!
I played, "Princess of China" and "Paradise" for you.
Thank you Rach and Jenny for posting about their album on the same day, so I could experience what you were experiencing. Good friends have good taste in music.

Potbelly Sandwiches are my favorite lunch time yummy. HERE is their website, so you can see it there's one near you. The link was being weird, so if you can't get to it, neither could I. It is their address though, so I'll keep checking to see if their website is up and running.
I have hunch they are mostly an east coast thing- sorry for plugging something that most you can't enjoy. As Jenny would say, "Rude."

Peter Rollins is an author, communicator, and speaker I'm really enjoying right now.
HERE is the link to his vimeo channel. I love the video entitled "Doubt." It's amazing.
Insurrection is his newest book. I'm finding it very thought provoking.

I'm proud of my Layla and how much she is growing. Below is the picture I showed on the video.

My love had a birthday last Saturday!

So we packed up for the day and headed to this little town...

The beauty on our drive over there stopped me in my tracks.

See for yourself below!

It was absolutely stunning when we got there, too. Almost unreal.

We had a blast spending the day together as a family.

I'm grateful for a husband who works so hard, provides for our family, and loves well.
He was easy to celebrate :).

Lots of love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had such a great week! (Sorry, I'm a bit behind on my blog reading.) The pictures are wonderful! And I'll have to check out those books you suggested.

    I know whatever you're going to do about school for Layla is for you and Bobby to decide, but here is an article that would have helped me feel more confident about our decision to put our oldest in Kindergarten at five, had I read it in advance. You can find lots of people who suggest delaying, so this is just a short argument for the other side. Luke has a June birthday and was 100% ready for school (both his Kindergarten teacher and now his 1st grade teacher have assured us he was ready and is right on track). I don't know how it is out there, but here there are many people who delay starting their kids, especially boys. I know we did the right thing and that he would have been bored with another year of preschool, but it was nice to come across this article to validate our decision. I'm not trying to talk you in to starting her at five, just thought this might be a good resource for you. Either way, my best wishes to you as you get closer to making the decision that is best for Layla! I know it isn't easy!
